Living Out LIFE is a ministry that encourages and equips Christ-centered disciples and disciple-making churches and ministries.

We are introducing LIFE-Giving Discipleship: A Skill-Based Guidebook for a Lifetime of Spiritual Growth and Influence based on a study of 2 Timothy. This book meets the following needs:

  1. Believers who want to establish themselves in the skills that develop spiritual maturity
  2. Personal disciple-makers who want a Christ-centered, clear, concise, and compelling curriculum for investing in fellow believers
  3. Pastors and leaders who desire to develop a disciple-making ministry

For two thousand years, Christians have sought to fulfill Jesus’s “Great Commission” to “make disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:18-20). Yet, we often lack clarity: “How are we to fulfill this mandate, and what skills must mature disciples develop?” What is needed is a clear and compelling understanding of how to go about Christ’s disciple-making mission.

LIFE-Giving Discipleship seeks to establish believers in God’s truth and the skills necessary for a full and fruitful life and ministry in Christ. Growing in our relationship with God requires that we possess specific skills that cultivate maturity in our walk with Him. A person must establish skills to be effective in almost every arena of life, from careers and academics to hobbies, sports, and music. This is also true for our growth as followers of Jesus Christ.

We Focus on 2 Timothy

The biblical book we will focus on is the Apostle Paul’s final letter, 2 Timothy. The theme of 2 Timothy is based on its first verse: How to glorify God by living out “the promise of life in Christ Jesus.” Our journey through 2 Timothy will develop this theme in the 14 chapters of LIFE-Giving Discipleship.

This practical and foundational book equips believers and encourages discipleship as described by this definition:

discipleship:       the intentional and relational process of maturing Christ-centered believers and mobilizing them for ministry 

Three Elements in Each Chapter

Each chapter of LIFE-Giving Discipleship focuses on these three elements:

  1. Teaching: The knowledge that we learn from a passage of 2 Timothy
  2. Training: The skills we develop by introducing a specific tool or skill for developing spiritual maturity related to each passage
  3. Transformation: The lifestyle we live as we implement the truth of Scripture by learning and applying the skills that develop maturity

Each chapter introduces new skills needed for your spiritual growth and influence as a Christ-centered believer.

The Skills Every Disciple Needs

LIFE-Giving Discipleship will help you apply the following skills that develop maturity in your relationship with Christ and your ministry to others:

  • How to regularly replenish your faith in Christ
  • How to share your testimony and the gospel
  • How to “walk in the Spirit” and have life-giving relationships
  • How to disciple believers
  • How to develop your life priorities
  • How to develop doctrinal depth
  • How to interpret and apply the Bible
  • How to develop Christ-centered character
  • How to develop a biblical worldview
  • How to mentor others
  • How to develop spiritual maturity
  • How to develop and deliver a biblical message
  • How to develop a personal mission statement
  • How to focus your faith on God and His truth

The succinct statement of the mission of the Christian life that we are focusing on is this: To glorify God by living out the LIFE we have in Christ. The acronym “LIFE” serves as a simple way to remember the prominent features of the life believers have in Christ:

  • Loving God
  • Investing in others
  • Following His word
  • Engaging our world

This statement clearly outlines our mission, mindset, and motivation. At the same time, it highlights that our relationship with Jesus Christ is the key to living the Christian life. LIFE-Giving Discipleship will give you the necessary skills for living out the LIFE we have in Christ.

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