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Living Out LIFE is a ministry that encourages and equips Christ-centered disciples and disciple-making churches and ministries. We are introducing LIFE-Giving Discipleship, A Skill-Based Guidebook for a Lifetime of Spiritual Growth and Influence based on a study of 2 Timothy.

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The Doctrines of Our Faith - Skill Set 6
The Doctrines of Our Faith - Skill Set 6

The doctrines of our faith develop depth in our lives. Maturity in our relationship with Jesus Christ comes from knowing and growing in the rich theology God has given us in the Bible.

by Grant Kaul
The Basics to Interpret and Apply Scripture - Skill Set 7
The Basics to Interpret and Apply Scripture - Skill Set 7

The word of God is to shape our way of life. This section highlights the basic principles for studying, interpreting, and applying Scripture.

by Grant Kaul
The Keys to Christ-Centered Character - Skill Set 8
The Keys to Christ-Centered Character - Skill Set 8

Character counts. Knowing how to establish God-honoring character is vitally important to life-giving disciples of Jesus.

by Grant Kaul
The Way to Walk With God In a Fallen World - Skill Set 9
The Way to Walk With God In a Fallen World - Skill Set 9

A person’s worldview is revealed by how one lives, what one believes, and the ethics that govern one’s choices. It is vital for Christians to develop a biblical worldview to winsomely reflect the character of God and His word.

by Grant Kaul
The Difference a Mentor Makes - Skill Set 10
The Difference a Mentor Makes - Skill Set 10

Mentors can make all the difference. By recognizing and being motivated by the impact mentors have, we can cultivate the skills necessary to engage in meaningful and effective mentoring relationships with others.

by Grant Kaul
The Principles of Spiritual Maturity - Skill Set 11
The Principles of Spiritual Maturity - Skill Set 11

God brings transformation in His people through the revelation and application of His word. Growing into the fullness of maturity in your relationship with Christ occurs when the truth of Scripture is lived out in the power of His Spirit and in the joy of living in His truth and grace.

by Grant Kaul
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