Mentors can make all the difference. By recognizing and being motivated by the impact mentors have, we can cultivate the skills necessary to engage in meaningful and effective mentoring relationships with others.
Mentors can make all the difference. Believers take significant growth steps, and churches flourish when Christians are willing to come alongside others and help them grow in their walk with God. As we understand and are motivated by the difference mentors make, we can develop the skills to engage in mentoring relationships practically and effectively with others.
Mentors make intentional and relational investments. A mentor is willing to share their personal life experiences and training by coming alongside another individual to offer friendship, wisdom, and guidance as a trusted advisor. While mentoring occurs in various fields, from architecture to medicine, it is an invaluable means for healthy believers to make discipleship investments in the lives of fellow believers as they mature as followers of Christ.
In 2 Timothy 3:10-14, the Apostle Paul highlights how he practically and effectively trained Timothy. Chapter 10 in LIFE-Giving Discipleship will help you cultivate the skills necessary to engage in meaningful and effective mentoring relationships with others.
Listen to the accompanying sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.
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