The Doctrines of Our Faith - Skill Set 6
The doctrines of our faith develop depth in our lives. Maturity in our relationship with Jesus Christ comes from knowing and growing in the rich theology God has given us in the Bible.
The doctrines of our faith develop depth in our lives. Maturity in our relationship with Jesus Christ comes from knowing and growing in the rich theology God has given us in the Bible.
The doctrines of our faith produce depth in our lives. J. Dwight Pentecost stated, “There is no higher activity in which the mind may be engaged than the pursuit of a knowledge of God. Since man through the exercise of his mind alone can never come to a knowledge of God (1 Cor 1:19-20; 2:14) he is dependent upon the revelation of Himself which God has given to him (1 Cor. 2:9-10).” Knowing God, His word, and His ways lead to living in His love and growing in maturity in His likeness.
In 2 Timothy 2:8-13, the Apostle Paul demonstrates how the doctrines of our faith produce spiritual stability and strength in our lives. Maturity in our relationship with Jesus Christ comes from knowing and growing in the rich theology God has given us in the Bible. God brings growth as He impresses His truth into our hearts and minds, and we express the truth of Scripture in how we love and live for Him. God’s truth transforms us as we believe it and live it out in how we approach life, think about issues, and relate to people.
The focus of Chapter 6 in LIFE-Giving Discipleship is on how to develop doctrinal depth and why this is important for every disciple of Jesus Christ.
Listen to the accompanying sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.