Discipleship happens through relationship. Following Jesus’s pattern of making disciples provides an intentional and relational process of maturing Christ-centered believers and mobilizing them for ministry. The words in 2 Timothy 2:1-2 highlight how the Apostle Paul continued to carry out the Great Commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20 to “make disciples of all nations” and “teaching them to observe all I commanded you.”

Jesus followed an intentional strategy for developing disciples that we discover from studying the four Gospel accounts of His life and ministry. This disciple-making strategy of Jesus was experienced firsthand by the original 12 disciples as Jesus modeled the intentional and relational manner by which His kingdom ministry would advance. Once we see this pattern, the Gospels take on an even greater meaning as we see Jesus’s disciple-making plan unfold and apply these principles to our ministry. Chapter 4 in LIFE-Giving Discipleship equips disciple-makers to fulfill this kingdom mandate by developing a lifestyle of growing in grace and teaching the skills needed to invest in the development of other believers.

Listen to the accompanying sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.

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