A life mission that moves us, molds us. The ability to articulate a personal mission statement can become a defining feature that regularly guides your direction, describes your devotion, and clarifies your decisions. The convictions we hold guide the life we live.
The convictions we hold guide the life we live. The ability to articulate a personal mission statement can become a defining feature that regularly guides your direction, describes your devotion, and clarifies your decisions. The legacy you live becomes the lasting impression you leave with others.
In 2 Timothy 4:6-8, the Apostle Paul articulates his life’s direction and devotion. A life mission that moves us, molds us. The ability to write down and remember a personal mission statement can become a defining feature that regularly guides your direction, describes your devotion, and clarifies your decisions. The legacy you live becomes the lasting impression you leave with others.
In Chapter 13 of LIFE-Giving Discipleship, you will develop the skills of articulating and living out a personal mission statement that describes some of the central values God has established in your life and how you define success. A well-thought-out mission statement can guide your decisions and keep you focused on long-term goals. It also helps provide direction for how you interact with others and how you invest your time. When prayerfully reviewed, your personal mission statement can quickly recalibrate your heart and mind. A mission statement that is regularly referred to can significantly shape who you are and how you live.
Listen to the accompanying sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.
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