God has given His Scriptures so that through the accurate, clear, and compelling preaching and teaching of His word, believers in Christ can fully mature in their relationship with Him. Here is an introduction to the skills needed for effectively developing and delivering biblical messages.
God has given His Scriptures so that through the accurate, clear, and compelling preaching and teaching of His word, believers in Christ can fully mature in their relationship with Him. The health and depth of a church are directly tied to the role biblical preaching has when it is gathered.
As we see prominently declared in 2 Timothy 4:1-5, preaching the word of God is to feature prominently in the life of the church. Biblical preaching directly influences the church’s health and depth. Every believer must understand “why” God commands the preaching of His word. Those teaching Scripture must know “how” to cultivate their skills for developing and delivering biblical messages.
Most people are not called to be preachers or teachers of the word of God, but it is beneficial for all the saints to have a basic understanding of what goes into making a message. How do Bible teachers develop messages that communicate the truth of Scripture in an accurate, clear, insightful, engaging, and practical way? Having the gift of teaching is certainly helpful, but this gift needs development to be effective. There are various ways to prepare and present scriptural lessons, but you will need a plan to teach well. Whether you are surveying the subject or progressing in your ability to teach the Bible, Chapter 12 in LIFE-Giving Discipleship presents a practical and effective guide for developing and delivering a biblical message.
Listen to the accompanying sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.
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