Second Timothy 3:1-9 strikingly reveals that our walk with God takes place in the context of a fallen world. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we engage the people in our lives, being mindful of the difficulties within our culture and the sinful tendencies in every person. At the same time, we live as those who represent God and His kingdom. We do this by winsomely presenting the truth about God and His gospel of grace.  

As kingdom disciples of Jesus Christ who love God, we no longer conform to this world but are being transformed by renewing our minds (Rom. 12:1-2). As “salt and light” living in a fallen world (Matt. 5:13-16), followers of Jesus must engage our culture and the people separated from Christ with the following: 

·       the truth of the gospel of Christ (our words)

·       the testimony of our lives in Christ (our way of life)

·       a thought-out biblical worldview (our worldview)  

A person’s worldview is revealed by how one lives, what one believes, and the ethics that govern one’s choices. The distinct way a person interprets the world matures over time, starting from infancy, and is developed and shaped by their family, friends, culture, philosophy, religion, and science. These most deeply held beliefs manifest in an individual’s thoughts, values, feelings, and actions and express how one views reality.

Chapter 9 in LIFE-Giving Discipleship equips you with the basics of how to develop a biblical worldview. The components of a worldview are interrelated, should be internally consistent, and reveal one’s basic philosophy of life. A worldview offers a way to understand the physical, spiritual, and moral order. Each person’s worldview consists of their foundational beliefs that lead to the choices they make and how they live.

Listen to the accompanying sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.

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